Thursday, August 1, 2013

On the occasion of a dawning retirement

On my first day of retirement, I awoke at 6:00.  Watched Suzie sleep for 21 minutes.  Even though she looks cute when she's sleeping, it got boring after a while.  I should add that she's not always boring in bed.  So I got up and went to the study to read the many messages shouting out my reaching the finish line of my banking career.  As regards that, I'll make it simple:  I have found and am now gratefully consuming my cheese.  I took a picture out the window of the door that goes out to our screen porch to memorialize the image of the dawn of a new era.  I'll probably post that at Facebook.

Right now I'm enjoying our screen porch and my first cup of coffee from the deluxe Keurig coffee maker Suzie and Sarah provided in honor of my stepping off the merry-go-round ... Tully's French Roast Extra Bold K-Cup, a damn fine brew.  The machine is just like the one I fell in love with at the office, that faraway place in my past.  I had my blend of yogurt, sliced banana, and Kashi Crunch cereal out here earlier.  I'm facing the direction of our patio, which since the addition we put on last year, is surrounded on three and a half sides by the house, porch, and garage.  With Suzie's pots and gardens, it resembles the finest of the French Quarter courtyards, making this Louisiana boy feel right at home.

Oh, well, it is time to have cup number two from the miracle machine from Keurig.  I think I'll use the self-fill cup with some Community Dark Roast this time.  Now we're talking.  That will fuel the first writing session of my retirement, as I'll be adding some words to Tit for Tat:  A Novel of Retribution.

Drop by often, as I plan to spill words here often from now on.  Have a great day.